Drug Possession Charges: Your Options For Your Future
Drug possession charges can have serious ramifications in Pennsylvania, from fines to jail time. A conviction can also impact future employment opportunities, qualification for loans or lines of credit, access to housing and much more.
In other words, if you are facing drug possession charges in York or surrounding areas of Pennsylvania, you need a criminal defense lawyer you can trust to fight for your rights. Here at Coover & Associates, we bring more than 25 years of experience to the table, and we offer free initial consultations. We are your best choice when exploring your defense options moving forward for any criminal charges.
Potential Drug Possession Penalties
Drug offenses are defined by Pennsylvania Statute 35 Pa. 780-113, which prohibits the “manufacture, sale or delivery, holding, offering for sale, or possession of any controlled substance.” This includes substances like cocaine or heroin but also applies to prescription medications and other controlled substances.
Generally, the sentence for a drug crime conviction increases if the individual has a record. For instance, for a first possession charge, a person may need to pay a fine of $500 and spend up to 12 months in jail. For a second offense, the fine increases to $25,000 and the jail time can be up to three years. On top of that, a person who is convicted of a drug crime could also lose their driver’s license.
While many surrounding states have legalized marijuana, Pennsylvania has not. Possession is a misdemeanor, which could lead to 30 days behind bars and a $500 fine. Possession of drug paraphernalia could lead to a year in jail and a fine of $2,500, and it is also a misdemeanor.
Call Today For A Free Consultation
If you call 717-461-7789 now, or reach out using our online form, we can set up your free 30-minute consultation to consider your case and explore your preliminary options. Our skilled and knowledgeable attorneys are here to help protect your future during this challenging time.