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York, Pennsylvania Legal Blog

Govt. watchdog group spotlights key SSD participant

“The majority of initial applications for Social Security Disability benefits are denied.” That high rejection rate is underscored by one proven Pennsylvania legal source addressing the SSD process. It highlights a disability outcome that is overwhelmingly common for...

What are the long-term consequences of a DUI?

Getting a DUI can be a serious and costly problem. In addition to the immediate hardship of an arrest, a DUI may have long-lasting consequences.  A DUI could affect your life in several different ways. All drivers should be conscientious about what can happen after a...

2 common myths about divorce debunked

When it comes to family law, no two circumstances are exactly alike. There is a lot of misinformation out there and what you believe could have an adverse impact on your family case.  Whether you are contemplating divorce, a custody matter or some other family...

The 3 levels of DUI in Pennsylvania

If you drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level at or above 0.08%, you could face charges for DUI. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, a DUI conviction can result in fines, ordered treatment, license suspension and even jail...