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What if my Social Security disability benefits are denied?

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2021 | Firm News

When you suffer an injury or illness that keeps you out of work for a long time, you quickly become concerned about how you will pay your bills on a long-term basis. You may apply for Social Security benefits if you’ve been unable to work for a year and know you can’t return to work anytime soon. But then, weeks after you submit your application, you receive devastating news. The Social Security Administration has denied your benefits.

What are you going to do now?

Social Security disability benefits denied

First, you should know that you are not alone. Nationwide, the acceptance rate for first-time Social Security disability applications averages at 22%. In Pennsylvania, only about 48% of applicants for Social Security disability pay ultimately are approved. Second, you can appeal the denial of your Social Security disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration denies long-term disability pay for many reasons, including:

·       Your application didn’t include hard evidence of your disability. You must prove through medical evidence that you can no longer work.

·       You didn’t follow your treatment plan to recover from your injury.

·       You didn’t follow the application process correctly or you decide to submit a new application instead of appealing your denied claim.

·       You don’t submit an appeal before the set deadline.

Getting help with the disability benefits process

If you had your first application for Social Security disability benefits denied, you should consult an experienced disability benefits attorney. The Social Security disability benefits approval process complicated. You want help from someone who has experience handling an appeal and getting their clients’ disability benefits approved.

You want to give yourself the best chance at having your Social Security disability benefits approved. With help, you can show in your appeal the reasons you truly need your disability pay.