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York, Pennsylvania Legal Blog

Can I date during a divorce?

Navigating a divorce can be a difficult, lonely period for anyone. It puts a strain on your relationships with your family and friends. It can also keep you from enjoying the things you normally love doing. It’s understandable to seek comfort in the affection of...

DUI doesn’t just mean drunk driving

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is commonly known as drunk driving. Penalties for this crime could include license suspension, hefty fines, mandated treatment and even prison time. Even if you had nothing to drink on a night out, could the risk of facing...

How to account for art in a divorce

In a divorce, marital assets such as artwork are divided in an equitable fashion per Pennsylvania law. However, there are steps that you can take in an effort to retain control of your favorite pieces or your entire collection. Those steps might include adding art to...

What NOT to say at a traffic stop

If your vehicle is stopped by Pennsylvania law enforcement, you have the right to remain silent, and it's almost always in your best interest to say as little as possible. Typically, the only thing that you're required to do is confirm your identity and comply with...

Why parallel parenting may be right for you

Some Pennsylvania parents who are going through a divorce may be aware that there is a type of arrangement in which both ex-spouses cooperate and have frequent contact because it is what is best for the children. However, some people may have a relationship that is so...

Why a trust can be beneficial

Assuming that it is created in compliance with Pennsylvania law, a trust can be an excellent addition to your estate plan. One of the key benefits of this type of document is that it allows you to hold assets outside of your estate. This means that they are not...