Labor Day DUI Checkpoints anticipated in York, Adams, Lancaster Counties this weekend.
With another Labor Day weekend upon us be prepared for DUI checkpoints all around South Central Pennsylvania. Historically, York, Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Lancaster, and Dauphin Counties have participated in Labor Day DUI checkpoints.
In fact, it was just announced that Adams and Lancaster Counties will have roving DUI patrols & sobriety check points over this long Labor Day holiday weekend.
Additionally, there will be stationary check points and roving DUI patrols throughout Pennsylvania in conjunction with the National Labor Day Crackdown and the PA. State police & PA. DUI Task Force. Their patrols will start on Friday, August 29th through Tuesday, September 2nd in 2014.
Remember, you don’t have to be driving badly to be stopped for a DUI when you are entering a DUI checkpoint because typically drivers are forced by law enforcement to initially stop.
Moreover, drinking and driving is not the only issue with impaired driving. If you have illicit drugs in your system and/or prescription drugs mixed with alcohol you may also be charged with a DUI. Legally prescribed drugs alone at higher levels can also be a basis for a DUI charge.
Don’t become one of the statistics this Labor Day Holiday weekend. Please make sure you don’t drive if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Always have a designated driver if going out to celebrate at a picnic, party, or bar this Labor Day weekend.