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Drunk after a night out? Be wary of sleeping in your car

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2024 | Criminal Defense

After a few drinks, you might feel like packing up and heading home. Unfortunately, you likely want to avoid drunk driving and may consider sleeping it off in your car.

It might seem like a smart move, but this decision could land you in hot water. While you are trying to be responsible, the law might not see it that way. Before you curl up in the backseat, consider the risks and explore safer options.

The legal risks are serious

Catching some shut-eye in your car after drinking in Pennsylvania is not as harmless as you might think. However, here’s what you could be facing:

  • Potential driving under the influence charges, even if you’re not driving
  • Police might assume you had physical control of your car and planned on driving
  • Having your keys nearby could spell trouble
  • Risk of public intoxication charges in certain areas

These risks show why it’s crucial to think twice before using your car as a temporary crash pad. Your good intentions might not be enough to keep you out of legal trouble.

Consider other strategies

Instead of risking a run-in with the law, try these safer ways to get home:

  • Book a ride with Uber, Lyft or a local taxi service
  • Plan ahead and bring a designated driver
  • Phone a friend or family member for a ride home
  • Book a room at a nearby hotel
  • Hop on public transit if it is running and safe

With these options, you’re steering clear of potential legal headaches and keeping yourself safe. Remember, only time can truly sober you up. No amount of coffee, greasy food or cold showers will speed up the process. Your body needs time to metabolize the alcohol, so be patient.

Sleeping in your car might seem like a quick fix, but it could lead to serious consequences. With a bit of planning and some smart choices, you can avoid the risk of a DUI charge and end your night on a safe note.