There is an increasing awareness that field sobriety tests are not always accurate. Specifically, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has not issued any standards for administering the tests, so the results depend upon the subjective judgments of the law enforcement officers administering them. Even more concerning, perhaps, is that studies have shown that officers incorrectly assess a driver’s level of intoxication a third of the time.
Even if field sobriety tests were always accurate, drivers would have good reason to refrain from participating in them. Your participation in a field sobriety test gives the officer information, or evidence, that they could use to support their case against you. Choosing not to participate, on the other hand, gives the officer no additional information. However, it is always important to consult with a seasoned DUI defense attorney to determine what steps you should take to protect your constitutional rights.
Undoubtedly, when faced with a field sobriety test, some impaired drivers pass and while other sober drivers fail. This is important for you to keep this in mind because many sober drivers participate in field sobriety tests because they think that they will pass with flying colors. If you nervous, tired, wearing high heels, have a physical disability, or are naturally uncoordinated, you could fail. You could even be none of those things and still fail because the officer has made up their mind that you are intoxicated.
Don’t allow a DUI charge to irreparably damage your life. If you have been charged with DUI, protect your rights by contacting a Pennsylvania DUI Defense Attorney right away. The attorneys at Coover & Associates may be able to help you. Call our office today, at 717-461-7789 to schedule a free consultation.